Hi Ming,

We are sorry for the delayed response.

Please see my responses embedded.

*From:* Liu, Ming (Ming) [mailto:ming....@esgyn.cn]
*Sent:* Saturday, February 27, 2016 8:05 PM
*To:* user@trafodion.incubator.apache.org
*Subject:* RMS questions

Hi, all,

I am trying to gather query’s run-time statistics using RMS command ‘get
statistics’. It works fine, but I have some questions below:

As I understand, RMS will save stats for a given query in shared memory, so
it cannot save all the history. It only save CURRENT running queries’
stats. Is this true?*[Selva] *  RMS uses the shared segment to provide near
real time statistics of the query. The metrics are captured at the relevant
components in near real time and updated in the shared segment directly
while the query is being executed. RMS doesn’t poll for the metrics
collection, it is the infrastructure to provide real time statistics.

For a long-running query, I can start another session using ‘get statistics
for qid xxx ‘ to periodically get the stats. For short-running query
(finish in ms), it seems hard for me to start another session find out qid
and run the ‘get statistics’. I think there is a small time window that one
can still get stats for a query after it finished. *[Selva] * For short
running queries, you can get the statistics after the query is completed
before the next query is run in the same session using the command “get
statistics for qid <qid> current”.  If the query is issued from a
non-interactive application, then you might be able to get some kind of
summary info from Trafodion repository if it is enabled.

What is that time window, 30 seconds?*[Selva]  *Generally, the statistics
is retained till the statement is deallocated. The server deallocates the
statement only when user initiates SQLDrop or Statement.close or the
connection is closed or the statement object on the client side is somehow
garbage collected and triggers resource deallocation on the server side.
RMS extends the statistics life time a bit more till a next statement is
prepared or executed in the same session after the statement is deallocated
 In case of non-interactive application, this time period could be very

If I have a busy system with TPS like 3000 queries/s, can RMS save all of
them by 30 seconds? That seems huge, and memory is limited. If it works
like a ring buffer or cache (aging out oldest entries), what is the
strategy RMS keep stats or aging who out? *[Selva] *As I said earlier, RMS
is an infrastructure that aids in providing the real time statistics and it
is not statistics gathering tool. In Trafodion, Type 4 JDBC applications
and ODBC applications use the common infrastructure DCS to execute the
queries. DCS is capable providing the summary info or the detailed query
statistics based on the configuration settings in DCS.

What will happen if all active queries will run out of RMS memory? I know
we can enlarge the size of that memory, but not know exact how, any

With the instruction, how can one calculate the required memory size if
s/he know how many queries s/he want to save.

*[Selva] *Default size of RMS shared segment is 64 MB. We have been able to
manage within this space for hundreds of concurrent queries because RMS
kicks in garbage collection every 10 minutes to gc any orphaned statistics
info. Statistics can become orphaned if the server component went away
abruptly or the server component itself failed to deallocate resources. Of
course a badly written application that doesn’t deallocate statements can
make RMS shared segment to become full.  RMS relies on the trusted DCS
components /type 2 JDBC driver to put some capacity limit on the connection
to avoid this. You can increase the RMS shared segment by adding
MX_RTS_STATS_SEG_SIZE=<n in MB>  in $MY_SQROOT/etc/ms.env in all nodes and
restarting the Trafodion instance. You can issue “get statistics for rms
all” to confirm the size of  RMS shared segment and to get heath info of
RMS itself.

Maybe we can only save stats for ‘slow queries’?

Many questions, thanks in advance for any help.*[Selva] * I sincerely wish
my responses are in order and useful.



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