

  I’m not a yum expert, but could the ‘*’ actually be part of a glob 
expression?  For example on a CentOS 6.5 node I did:


yum list installed "perl-DBD-SQLite*"


perl-DBD-SQLite.x86_64                                               1.27-3.el6 

0.33-12.el6                                               @epel


Then again without the ‘*’:


yum list installed "perl-DBD-SQLite"


perl-DBD-SQLite.x86_64                                               1.27-3.el6 


  So the ‘*’ was likely used to install both packages, but from an Internet 
search it looks like there is a SQLite2 but one site indicates it has been 
deprecated and that SQLite is actually version 3 of the software (and that was 
circa 2009).  I did find several files under my somewhat dated source tree that 
have the common Perl suffix of “.pl”.  Many of those files are under the 
local_hadoop directory so aren’t Trafodion files given a quick look.  Looking 
for the SQLite term that one site mentioned I see:


./core/sqf/sql/scripts/gensq.pl:use DBI;

./core/sqf/sql/scripts/gensq.pl:    $DBH = 


  So I appears this is used by sqgen, and it doesn’t specifically ask for 
SQLite2.  Looking at the sqconfig.db from a today’s install I see:


more sqconfig.db

SQLite format 3



So if you install SQLite on RHEL 7.1, and see the generated sqconfig.db file 
has the same “SQLite format 3” (or higher), which I’m sure it will, then that 
should be enough.  Of course it’s always possible some other component is using 
SQLite but my recollection was sqgen was the one component that was using the 
package.  If other Perl scripts are using SQLite2 then they should probably be 
enhanced to use the newer version anyway.





From: Amanda Moran [mailto:amanda.mo...@esgyn.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 6:03 PM
To: user@trafodion.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: perl-DBD-SQLite*


Yes, I totally agree with the way to test.


I am waiting on some changes to be merged and I will do just that. 


Just was hoping, if anyone had any words of wisdom before then! 




On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Carol Pearson <carol.pearson...@gmail.com 
<mailto:carol.pearson...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Amanda,


At one point, I know we used SQLite for some internal configuration 
information, but I've lost track of whether or not we still do.  Otherwise, 
SQLite would be needed for a dependency, and at that point and we'd have to 
track that one down to see what's really needed.  


If we don't install the full set, does the install complete and does Trafodion 
start? No guarantees that we don't have a problem if it installs and starts 
because the dependency could be later in the execution path.  But if 
install/start fails, at least that tells us that the dependency matters and 
points us to at least one place *where* something cares.


-Carol P.


Email:    carol.pearson...@gmail.com <mailto:carol.pearson...@gmail.com> 

Twitter:  @CarolP222



On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Amanda Moran <amanda.mo...@esgyn.com 
<mailto:amanda.mo...@esgyn.com> > wrote:

Hi there All-


In the current installer we try to install this package: perl-DBD-SQLite* (note 
the *), on RHEL 6 and Centos 6 this has worked fine. 


I am testing the installer on RHEL 7.1 and it is not able to install 
perl-DBD-SQLite* only perl-DBD-SQLite.


Is just installing perl-DBD-SQLite going to be an issue?







Amanda Moran






Amanda Moran

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