Hi Suresh, Arvin and Selva,
I understand the addBatch method. But I have a hard time understanding how 
compiler can do a good job not knowing the cardinality of the rowset at prepare 
Since we support prepare statement like this:
Insert into t (a,b,c) values( ?[1000], ?[1000], ?[1000])

Where cardinality of the rowset is known at compile time, and I can see a very 
nice associated plan, I am wondering how efficient could be a process where a 
iterate over a prepare statement like this:
Insert into t (a,b,c) values( ?, ?, ?)

Where at compile time the prepare have no clue if a rowset plan is appropriate 
or a non rowset plan is better.
Suresh has explained me over the phone that compiler would assume rowset, and 
recompile in case it is single value… but then if I keep calling this prepared 
statement with various random number of items, how is the compiler going to 
successfully prepare, and keep reuse the same plan? (this is really the 
use-case I am dealing with: variable length rowset at every calls, can go from 
1 to 10000)

That is why I was hoping to force a fixed cardinality plan, to avoid this 
difficult situation with varying cardinality that I suspect will result in many 

I know that this syntax would not be jdbc standard (so not portable)… But how 
about if I am ready to pay the price of using non-standard feature? Since there 
is no DB like ours anyway ☺…
I guess this question is more for dev list, as I am inquiring about possible 
non standard stuff, given I see half of it is already working (successful 
compile of Insert into t (a,b,c) values( ?[1000], ?[1000], ?[1000]) – I suspect 
there might be way to do the other half with some magic words … ?


From: Arvind GMAIL [mailto:narain.arv...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 10:52 PM
To: user@trafodion.incubator.apache.org
Subject: RE: jdbc rowset usage?

Hi Eric, Suresh

You could also look at some the jdbc tests under the following  for addbatch 
and related examples:



From: Suresh Subbiah [mailto:suresh.subbia...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: jdbc rowset usage?

Hi Eric,

The steps Selva mentioned are shown in the examples at 
 Section 4. in this example should be relevant. We should have similar examples 
in JDBC tests, but I am not able to find them.


On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 6:40 PM, Selva Govindarajan 
<selva.govindara...@esgyn.com<mailto:selva.govindara...@esgyn.com>> wrote:

Just prepare the statement with '?' for parameters


PreparedStatement.setXXX () for all parameters


Do the above in a loop, when you reach the required rowset size



From: Eric Owhadi <eric.owh...@esgyn.com<mailto:eric.owh...@esgyn.com>>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:52 PM
Subject: jdbc rowset usage?


I am struggling to find the jdbc syntax to set an dynamic array parameter:

Assuming I prepared this statement s with “Insert into t (a,b,c) values( 
?[1000], ?[1000], ?[1000])”

How do I set each parameter?

Assuming a is INT, b is CHAR[10], c is INT?

Am I doing something not really supported? Should I use AddBatch instead?

Thanks in advance for the help,

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