Hi and many thanks for the swift replies! Simon Laws wrote: > Can you try a couple of things for me. > 1/ Try putting the binding.ws on component service, for example, > I managed to get things working to some extent when using a <service> element external to the <component>, promoting the <service> declared in the component (with only an interface) and a <binding.ws> in the (external) <service> element. However, both attributes uri and requires, as shown in the example below, were ignored in this case: <binding.ws requires="SOAP.1_2" uri="http://localhost:8085/CalcService"/> When I put the <binding.ws> element in the <service> element inside the <component> element, then both the above attributes are honored. > 2/ Check that the following modules are on available to the runtime > I originally tried to use Maven, copying the dependencies from the calculator-ws sample program, but I had to revert to including the tuscany-sca-manifest.jar on the classpath, since I could not figure out which dependencies were missing in my project. > How are you running the application as a matter of interest? > Currently, I am running inside of Eclipse only, using the following to start the SCA node: Node theNode = NodeFactory.newInstance().createNode(); theNode.start();
I am sure there will be more questions from me in due time, since I am set on exploring Tuscany 2.0. Best wishes! Ivan