Hi all,

As one of the authors of  *Tuscany In Action(http://www.manning.com/laws/) *
 book I get notified by our publisher, Manning publishing, about special
offers.  I would like to pass this information to you since their list
includes the *Tuscany In Action book*  as well as other Apache  related
books that might be interesting to you.

Manning is offering a December month promotion called --Countdown to
2010<http://www.manning.com/countdown2010/> (
http://www.manning.com/countdown2010/)  in addition to their special
discounts that I mention below. The promotion includes the following.

-Daily special deals

-Daily ebook drawing

-Daily email alerts to all who sign up

Also, on two days in December (one is tomorrow) Manning offers the following
discount specials that also apply to the *Tuscany In Action* book.

dec 21--50% off all ebooks
dec 31--50% off all purchases

We had talked about *Tuscany in Action* before on the mailing list before.
As a reminder this is a comprehensive, hands-on guide for developing
applications using Apache Tuscany's lightweight SCA infrastructure. The book
uses practical examples based on a Travel Booking scenario to demonstrate
how to develop applications with Tuscany SCA. The examples for the book are
available in Tuscany.

Happy 2010 to you all.


co-author of Tuscany SCA book,

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