Hi, i wrote some currency calculator in C++ and exposed it with the Tuscany native runtime as a webservice. I did not specify a WSDL by hand as described in [1]. The webservice accepts all incoming request then, tho it crashes if not appropriate. Now I invoke the service via the Tuscany Java runtime with a Java component. I specified a corresponding Java interface taking care of the mapping rules defined in the docs from the C++ Extension of the native runtime [1].
Consider this method from the C++ header: virtual long double getConversion(std:string fromCurrencyCode, std:string toCurrencyCode, long double amount); Transfered as a Java mapping to: public double getConversion(String fromCurrencyCode, String toCurrencyCode, double amount); However i get some strange behaviour here. The resulting double from the conversion: EUR->EUR should for example be 1->1. I get 1->9.001E-308 I wrote a command line client to test the c++ behaviour and everything went fine (1->1), so i guess there's a problem with the Java runtime sending a wrong format to the native runtime?! Would a WSDL solve this problem? And how can i create a WSDL without doing it manually which is such a pain, because the Axis2C doesn't support automatic WSDL creation. Regards Stefan [1] tuscany_sca_native-1.0-incubator-M3-bin\doc\Axis2CWSExtension.html ___________________________________________________________ NEU: Mit WEB.DE DSL über 1000,- ¿ sparen! http://produkte.web.de/go/02/