Hello there,

I've seen two phenomena with regard to 
a) how Tuscany registers services exposing an RMI binding 
and b) how exceptions thrown from these services are handled.

I'm asking for advice if these phenomena are bugs, and whether to file a bug 
report at JIRA. 

The background is that I have experimented with the currency converter 
examples from the turorial to create a service interface and implementation 
that can be accessed through web services, RMI and JMS in a uniform manner.
I'm using Tuscany 1.6 and JDK 1.6.0_18 on Windows XP.

ad a) My component definitions says I want to access the service 
at the local registry on the default port. Note also that the SCA service name 
is different
from the name used in the RMI-binding.

   <component name="CurrencyConverter">
class="com.tuscanyscatours.currencyconverter.impl.CurrencyConverterImpl" />
        <service name="CurrencyConverter">
interface="com.tuscanyscatours.currencyconverter.CurrencyConverter" />
            <tuscany:binding.rmi host="localhost" port="1099" 

I start the registry server externally (calling rmiregistry.exe in Windows), 
and also register the 
service through a utility class like this:

   Naming.rebind( "//localhost:1099/CurrencyConverterRMI", new 
CurrencyConverterImpl() );

Then running the SCA launcher will throw an AlreadyBoundException at 

   SCANode node = SCANodeFactory.newInstance().createSCANode( 
currencyContribution, currencyRMIContribution );

Is there a reason for this behaviour? Why should an existing service that I 
want to wrap in an SCA 
composite not be previously registered in the RMI registry? I know that I'm not 
talking here about a
binding on a service reference that I use to access an existing RMI service, 
but I'm still not sure this 
is not a bug. Why should I not be able to execute this launcher multiple times, 
or construct multiple nodes
exposing the same services inside the same launcher? 

Of course, I can first issue an explicit

   Naming.unbind( "//localhost:1099/CurrencyConverterRMI" );

to make the exception go away. However, this is bad because suddenly the RMI 
name pops up in my SCA code.

ad b) Having started the registry and registered the service through the Naming 
class as described
above, everything works when I access the service through a pure Java RMI 
client, even when the
service throws an exception (the exception is a web fault, containing a fault 
bean which I have
made serializable so as to be able to pass the whole thing over RMI as well).

  Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry( "localhost" );
  CurrencyConverter converter = (CurrencyConverter) registry.lookup( 
"CurrencyConverterRMI" );
      System.out.println( "ExchangeRate = " + converter.getExchangeRate( "XYZ", 
"GBP" ) );
    catch( CurrencyConverterFault_Exception e ) // expected exception
      System.out.println( e.getFaultInfo().getMessage() );  

The error occurs when I start the service using the SCA launcher. I construct 
and start a node, and
obtain the service interface through the following line:

   CurrencyConverter converter = 
      ((SCAClient) node).getService( CurrencyConverter.class, 
"CurrencyConverter" );

Now the call to converter.getExchangeRate() will give an UnexpectedException.
Interestingly, having the started and registered the service this way, also the 
pure Java RMI
client will get the same exception, so I suspect the cause may have something 
to do with
how the service is registered.

Or maybe it has to do with how classes are loaded, because the underlying cause 
for the UnexpectedException 
is an InvocationtargetException that occurs because the 
java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler thinks 
that no declared exception type is assignable from the thrown exception type. 
Adding -Djava.rmi.server.codebase 
to the JVM arguments and pointing it to the directory where the service 
implementation classes reside did not 

There seems to be a related bug 
which was fixed by Raymond Feng in 24/Jun/08 12:31 PM. 

-- Sebastian

PS: Due to lack of experience, I have not been able to construct a JUnit test 
case, but I could provide the 
zipped Eclipse projects (57KB) if someone is interested.

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