Hi Britt,
what I think you miss is adding the sandbox jars to the CAS Visual Debugger
launcher classpath.

>From Eclipse open Run-> Run Configurations -> go to the CAS Visual Debugger
launcher you're using.

You'll probably find uimaj-examples under the "project" selector, you just
may change this to select the sandbox project you want to try or go to the
Classpath tab and add all the sandbox jars (you may need to run a mvn
install first to generate them) you want to use to the User Entries list.

Hope this helps,

2011/4/28 Fitch, Britt <britt_fi...@hms.harvard.edu>

> I hope someone can help point me in the right direction. I have been stuck
> on this for more than a day.
> I am using eclipse and performed all of the appropriate initial setup for
> eclipse per the UIMA site.
> I am using UIMA 2.3.1.
> I am able to use the CAS visual debugger to run the examples under
> UIMA_HOME\examples\descriptors\tutorial
> I followed the instructions here:
> http://uima.apache.org/doc-uima-annotator.html
> and have been able to successfully develop my first annotator as its own
> eclipse project. This runs fine.
> I am unable to get any of the sandbox projects (or any other 3rd party
> publicly available UIMA annotators) to run.
> I start by either checking out the whole sandbox project, or just the
> specific project I want (and the parent) from:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/sandbox/tags/uima-addons-2.3.1-rc1
> or
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/sandbox/trunk
> I add maven dependency management to the projects (otherwise they end up in
> the package main.java.org.apache...)
> I go to properties > build path > libraries and add uima_home/lib/*
> I start CAS visual debugger in eclipse (same result as if I start it
> directly from uima_home though)
> When I try to LoadAE for any  of the annotators I get a message:
> "4/28/11 1:38:38 PM - 10:
> org.apache.uima.tools.cvd.MainFrame.handleException(527): SEVERE: Annotator
> class "org.apache.uima.annotator.WhitespaceTokenizer" was not found.
> (Descriptor: file:/C:/dev/WhitespaceTokenizer/desc/WhitespaceTokenizer.xml)
> org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException: Annotator class
> "org.apache.uima.annotator.WhitespaceTokenizer" was not found. (Descriptor:
> file:/C:/dev/WhitespaceTokenizer/desc/WhitespaceTokenizer.xml)"
> I've tried this for WhitespaceTokenizer, Regex, Snowball, and a few others,
> all to the same effect.
> I found 1 post that said there was some special setup that was required for
> the sandbox projects, but it just directed to
> http://uima.apache.org/svn.html but i dont see anything there that seems
> special to this situation.
> I apologize for such a long post, but I'm stuck and wanted to supply
> everything I thought someone might need.
> Thanks
> Britt

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