Hi Nicolas,

we haven't really made any progress. Right now we're using only Java within the UIMA pipeline (and one C++ annotator).

We then generate XMIs (or in some cases inline XML to get annotations aligned automatically) and work on that in Python, without a library and probably not even dealing with the XMI format entirely correctly. :-(

Anyway, things are not pretty, but we just don't have time to actually develop a better solution.


On 12/16/2011 12:13 AM, Nicolas Hernandez wrote:

6 months later.

Jens what experience have you learn about UIMA and Python ? Is
Pythonnator still the simplest solution for working with XMI ?
No other alternative ?



On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:48 PM, Eddie Epstein<eaepst...@gmail.com>  wrote:
The last update with uimapy on Apache UIMA was that it had problems
deserializing somewhat complex XmiCas examples.

The previous problem with jython was that it was backlevel relative to
the needs of some python analytic code. Jython seems like the simplest
integration, assuming it works.

The Pythonnator requires a uimacpp runtime. More complicated, but
perhaps a much faster python execution environment? Uimacpp fully
supports XmiCas serialization methods.


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 4:42 AM, Jens Grivolla<j+...@grivolla.net>  wrote:

what's the current status on combining UIMA and Python?

I know that it should be possible to write AEs in Python using either the
BSF Annotator (and jython) or Pythonnator (using SWIG).  I haven't tried
either one yet, so I'm open to recommendations on which to use.

I would also very much like to write UIMA (and especially UIMA AS) clients
in Python.  Is it possible at all to use an annotation pipeline from a
language other than Java?  We are currently using the simple REST server for
this, but it has serious limitations.

Lastly, and probably more simply, I would like to be able to work with XMI
files using Python.  There used to be uimapy by Ed Loper, but I can't find a
copy anywhere and the sourcefore repository is empty.  I found no mention on
the mailing list of what happened to the project and the discussion about
seems to just have ended quite abruptly.

Thanks for any suggestions or hints,


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