I have application client that is receiving messages from a Queue via JMS.
The message is then packed in a JCas and sent to the UIMA AS pipeline via
If the UIMA AS pipeline processing is slow then it impacts the client in
the way that the received messages from the
Queue will not be sent as they arrived. I'm using sendCAS(CAS) method of
UimaAsynchronousEngine, thus the call to pipeline should be asynchronous
(as specfied in the spec).
 In my opinion the described behavior is not as expected (i.e. the client
should not be affected by the UIMA pipeline performance and
it should send the received messages for processing right away, without
waiting some responses).
  My questions are:
1. I suspect, that my client is somehow waiting the response from the
pipeline. Is there any way to disable the response feature?
2. I'm using a thread pool executor that is sending the messages to UIMA
pipeline. Is this a good approach?
3. How to design my client in order to send the messages to the pipeline
without concerning the pipeline performance?

I look forward for your answers and advices.
 Thank you.
   Best regards,


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