On 3/24/2012 5:08 PM, Marshall Schor wrote:
Hi, can you say what operating system / version etc. you are using which has this issue?

Reading more carefully :-) - I see you're using OpenJDK on Ubuntu... I don't have that configuration... Are you able to download and use another Java, such as one of the Linux Java's from Oracle? See http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp#lin



On 3/24/2012 4:59 PM, Eric Buist wrote:

I am facing this problem more and more often and now it is too much. Each time I install a new software tool with a GUI, I am stuck with tiny font sizes and no workaround. This is now happening to me with the Document Analysis tool of UIMA. I searched a long long time about the topic of increasing font size of Swing applications, and the requirement is to pull the app apart and change the source code at many places, customizing how each and every control is instantiated! This is just total madness.

The problem is that the UIMA tutorial relies on this GUI tool, not proposing any fallback such as a text-mode alternative or API calls that would allow to process documents and format the annotated JCASes. I am thus blocked until I google around and copy/paste hundreds of lines of codes to get a working basic text-mode document analysis tool.

My system font is correct and a bunch of applications such as the terminal emulator, Eclipse, Emacs, Google Chrome, Thunderbird, etc., have correct font sizes. But Java Swing applications just ignore system settings.

I tried simple solutions such as switching the default Swing look and feel from the cross-platform to GTK: no result. It seems the GTK LAF is non-working in OpenJDK, the only JVM available in Ubuntu repositories since Oracle bought Sun. I tried to find a way to tune the look and feel: no solution, except AGAIN changing the source code of the application.

Is there any way around this? Any plan for a text-based document analysis tool or something using an Eclipse plug-in?

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