Thanks for your reply, Jens.

I admit I had been avoiding setting the text of the CAS to be the entire XML 
string I get back from the first REST service because it is a massive string 
and I only want a couple nodes from that xml string to be processed throughout 
the UIMA pipeline. But I see your point.

So then, in this new AE,  I retrieve the entire XML string from the CAS, do the 
zone-information processing from the specific nodes of the XML. I assume it is 
straightforward to then reset the CAS text to be just this text I have found in 
the original XML.  Specifically, I would use CAS.reset() to empty the CAS of 
the original (full XML) text, then jCAS.setDocumentText() with the new string 
of just the relevant text, as well as load all the doc-zone annotations at this 
point. Is this right?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Grivolla [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: SimpleServer, & instantiating CAS with custom typesystem?

Hi, SimpleServer itself is in a way your CR, creating a CAS with the document 
text you sent. Why do you want to change SimpleServer, it seems that you only 
want to add annotations to the CAS, not fundamentally change how the CAS is 

It seems to me that it would be far easier to just create an AE that adds those 
annotations. Then you won't have any typesystem issues either, since the AE 
would have the appropriate typesystem.


On 02/18/2013 10:37 PM, Helen Johnson -X (heljohns - Infobahn Softworld Inc at 
Cisco) wrote:
> I'm stumped:
> I have a UIMA pipeline that starts with a CollectionReader that
> -          reads XML input (response from a REST service),
> -          identifies a couple of relevant XML nodes
> -          makes document-level annotations from the relevant nodes (title, 
> document body, footnote section)
>  From there, the AnalysisEngine portion of the pipeline has many AEs that 
> I've wrapped into a single AggregateAnalysisEngine.
> The CollectionReader and the AAE all work correctly in this pipeline.
> Now I need to transfer this pipeline into a SimpleServer REST service 
> environment.
> I've created a PEAR of the AAE portion of the pipeline, but I can't include 
> the CollectionReader in this PEAR.
> First question:
> It is my understanding the CR cannot be included in the PEAR for the 
> simpleServer, am I correct in this?
> In order to get those document-zoning annotations of title, body & footnote, 
> I have added some methods to the class in the SimpleServer 
> package that do the XML parsing and then do the adding of these annotations 
> to the JCAS before the AAE is called. The error that is being thrown at this 
> point is this:
> "The server encountered an internal error (JCas type 
> "myPackage.DocClass.ArticleMainTitle" used in Java code, but was not declared 
> in the XML type descriptor.) that prevented it from fulfilling this request."
> Second question:
> Where is looking for the typesystem xml file to be? I have tried 
> all of the following, with the same error result:
> -          put the typesystem descriptor file, myTSD.xml, in SimpleServer/lib
> -          create a jar containing myTSD.xml, put it into SimpleServer/lib 
> and add that to the build path
> -          (after the two above attempts), in SimpleServer project 
> properties, add "lib" to the UIMA CDE Property Page
> -          in SimpleServer project properties, in UIMA Type System, point to 
> the myTSD.xml file in lib
> -          put myTSD.xml in SimpeServer/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
> -          put the jar containing myTSD.xml in the 
> SimpleServer/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
> -          put myTSD.xml in SimpleServer/WebContent/WEB-INF/resources
> Final question:
> When a CAS gets instantiated (or reset, as it does in, how can 
> I tell it to use a custom typesystem, and where will it look for that 
> typesystem.xml file within the SimpleServer project?
> Thank you,
> Helen Johnson

  • SimpleServer... Helen Johnson -X (heljohns - Infobahn Softworld Inc at Cisco)
    • Re: Sim... Jens Grivolla
      • RE:... Helen Johnson -X (heljohns - Infobahn Softworld Inc at Cisco)
        • ... Thomas Ginter
        • ... Helen Johnson -X (heljohns - Infobahn Softworld Inc at Cisco)
          • ... Chris Roeder

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