Hi Peter,

I've updated and built the TextMarker projects, but now I'm spinning my wheels 
a bit trying to install the updated TextMarker Workbench feature from the 
projects. Could you give me a tip on how to do that? This isn't something I've 
ever done before, and I'm not having much success at the moment.

Many thanks,


-----Original Message-----
From: William Karl Thompson 
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 3:40 PM
To: user@uima.apache.org
Subject: RE: Extending TextMarker with new actions

Hi Peter,

Thanks very much, I will try this out!



-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Klügl [mailto:pklu...@uni-wuerzburg.de]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:30 AM
To: user@uima.apache.org
Subject: Re: Extending TextMarker with new actions


On 25.04.2013 19:16, William Karl Thompson wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>  Many thanks! I was just about to try it out before reading your latest 
> email. Should I check out the latest trunk version from the svn repository 
> tomorrow?

I fixed most problems and committed the changes together with two example 
projects (in

textmarker-ep-example-extensions contains two parts: the implementation of an 
action (ExampleAction) and the integration in the ide. That's the reason, why 
it is a maven eclipse-plugin project.

ExtensionsExample is a simple textmarker project, which uses the extension.

The syntax check in the Workbench is not yet correctly integrated. It will take 
a while until I will be able to write the documentation for the extensions. 
Just let me know, if any problems occur.



Btw: I am also involved in a project about information extraction in clinical 
texts. That's a quite active area ;-)

> In terms of feature requests, I appreciate your willingness to consider 
> extensions. My strategy will be to try accomplishing a few tasks first, to 
> see what can be abstracted that is of sufficient generality. As background 
> info, I am creating some NLP applications for clinical text using cTAKES, and 
> I think TextMarker is a nice option to have for rule-based alternatives to 
> certain tasks (like relating two annotations to each other, DiseaseDisorder 
> and AnatomicalLocation in the same sentence). The current cTAKES relation 
> extractor is based on machine learning, and requires an annotated corpus for 
> training, whereas sometimes it's just easier to create a set of rules.
> Cheers,
> Will
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Klügl [mailto:pklu...@uni-wuerzburg.de]
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 10:49 AM
> To: user@uima.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Extending TextMarker with new actions
> Hi,
> I checked the language extensions and unfortunately they do not work right 
> now. There are some small bugs, but they will be fixed tomorrow.
> Best,
> Peter
> Am 25.04.2013 11:37, schrieb Peter Klügl:
>> Hi,
>> Am 25.04.2013 03:29, schrieb William Karl Thompson:
>>> Hello,
>>> (My apologies, I mistakenly sent this to the dev list initially)
>>> I'm very interested in using the TextMarker project, but the current 
>>> set of action types doesn't quite do what I need. I found references 
>>> to an extension mechanism, have also found the 
>>> ITextMarkerActionExtension interface in the source code. I also 
>>> found the antlr grammar and lexer files where the TextMarker 
>>> language is defined, which appears to be where new action type names 
>>> are to be added. So I surmise the steps to add new actions is to
>>> 1.       Add the desired action signature to the antlr grammar
>>> 2.       Define an implementation of ITextMarkerActionExtension that 
>>> implements the functionality.
>>> Is there an easier way to do this? My concern is that I need to 
>>> modify TextMarker source files (the grammar and lexer files), which 
>>> would be overwritten on any updated version of TextMarker.
>> This should be possible without changing any textmarker code.
>> There is a generic parsing rule in the grammar, which creates an 
>> external action using the set of ITextMarkerExtension mentioned in 
>> the descriptor (parameter: additionalExtensions). There is no default 
>> syntax check since the possible arguments are of course not yet known 
>> by the engine. Syntax checks need to be implemented in the 
>> ITextMarkerActionExtension.createAction(), which throws an 
>> ANTLRException. The arguments of the action are delegated to this 
>> method, which return the action implementation, so there will 
>> probably many casts and "if instanceOf" checks. Language constructs 
>> like assignments ("feature" = Type) known by the CREATE action, are 
>> not yet supported.
>> Unfortunately, there is no automatic integration in the workbench yet. 
>> You have to modify the BasicEngine (add the extension) in the 
>> textmarker project yourself. The implemenatation of the extension 
>> needs of course then also be available to the workbench.
>> I haven't used the language extensions since 2009 (it was a wordnet
>> integration) and they are not yet covered by unit tests. So, there 
>> are maybe some bugs due to the changes after the contribution to 
>> Apache UIMA. However, I will check the functionality, add a test case 
>> and extend the documentation.
>> Concerning the list of available actions: You are of course also 
>> welcome to create feature requests for new actions. The current set 
>> of actions is mainly based on my own requirements and I will gladly 
>> add new reasonable/generic actions (within the limits of my available time).
>> Best,
>> Peter
>>> Thanks!
>>> Will Thompson

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