Just checked, indeed this warning is not shown if  async=true is added. I
thought I was on to something.

I would still advise to rerun the testcase without <scaleout
numberOfInstances="1"/> setting.

Also, using jConsole attached to the broker confirm that in fact the input
queue is drained one CAS at a time.


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com> wrote:

> On 8/7/2013 2:07 PM, Jaroslaw Cwiklik wrote:
> > When you launch your service, do you see a Warning similar to this:
> >
> > *** WARN: line-number: 30 Top Lovel Async Primitive specifies a scaleout
> of
> > numberOfInstances="1", but also specifies a Cas Pool size of
> > numberOfCASes="6". The Cas Pool size is being forced to be the same as
> the
> > scaleout.
> My guess - that message doesn't occur, because the Top Level is not an
> Async
> *Primitive*, because it specifies async=true.
> I thought Async Primitive meant async=false (or an actual UIMA primitive)?
> -Marshall
> >
> >
> > If yes,
> >
> > <analysisEngine async="true">
> >                 <scaleout numberOfInstances="1"/>  *<<<< REMOVE THIS LINE
> > FROM Deployment Descriptor*
> >
> > JC
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:30 PM, RYAN C. CORNIA <ryan.cor...@utah.edu
> >wrote:
> >
> >> I'm using UIMA AS 2.4.0, and have an example pipeline with 3 annotators.
> >> The third annotator is coded to just sleep for 3 seconds per document to
> >> simulate a slow annotator.
> >>
> >> If I change the pipeline to async=true and set the number of scale out
> >> instances on the slow annotator to be 6, I expected the pipeline to be
> >> about 6 times faster. What I see, however, is exactly the same
> performance.
> >>
> >> A bit of debugging shows UIMA AS is creating 6 different copies of the
> >> slow annotator, because each one is being called alternately per CAS,
> but
> >> it is waiting for the entire pipeline to be complete before getting
> another
> >> cas off the queue.
> >>
> >> Any ideas what may be misconfigured? Or what to look at?
> >>
> >> My deployment descriptor is:
> >>
> >> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >> <analysisEngineDeploymentDescription xmlns="
> >> http://uima.apache.org/resourceSpecifier";>
> >>     <name>defaultFlapDeployDescriptor20130807.095936</name>
> >>     <description/>
> >>     <version>1.0</version>
> >>     <vendor/>
> >>     <deployment protocol="jms" provider="activemq">
> >>         <casPool numberOfCASes="6" initialFsHeapSize="2000000"/>
> >>         <service>
> >>             <inputQueue endpoint="exampleQueue"
> >> brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61616" prefetch="0"/>
> >>             <topDescriptor>
> >>                 <import
> >>
> location="file:/var/folders/vl/7p2qch6j4kx_kv5chvd093l80000gn/T/flapAggregate311122232121092424.xml"/>
> >>             </topDescriptor>
> >>             <analysisEngine async="true">
> >>                 <scaleout numberOfInstances="1"/>
> >>                 <delegates>
> >>                     <analysisEngine
> >>
> key="aeWhitespaceTokenizerDescriptor211289c8cf04-b67c-45e2-a1eb-e90a85f39006"
> >> async="false">
> >>                         <scaleout numberOfInstances="1"/>
> >>                         <asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> >>                             <getMetadataErrors maxRetries="0"
> timeout="0"
> >> errorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                             <processCasErrors thresholdCount="0"
> >> thresholdWindow="0" thresholdAction="terminate"/>
> >>                             <collectionProcessCompleteErrors timeout="0"
> >> additionalErrorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                         </asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> >>                     </analysisEngine>
> >>                     <analysisEngine
> >> key="aeWordTokenizerDescriptor21126d2902a3-e6ca-4834-89cb-ec1a6c29f281"
> >> async="false">
> >>                         <scaleout numberOfInstances="1"/>
> >>                         <asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> >>                             <getMetadataErrors maxRetries="0"
> timeout="0"
> >> errorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                             <processCasErrors thresholdCount="0"
> >> thresholdWindow="0" thresholdAction="terminate"/>
> >>                             <collectionProcessCompleteErrors timeout="0"
> >> additionalErrorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                         </asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> >>                     </analysisEngine>
> >>                     <analysisEngine
> >>
> key="gov.va.vinci.flap.examples.ae.MySlowAnnotator2112fc3e83f1-f535-40c2-a860-895207bfff1a"
> >> async="false">
> >>                         <scaleout numberOfInstances="6"/>
> >>                         <asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> >>                             <getMetadataErrors maxRetries="0"
> timeout="0"
> >> errorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                             <processCasErrors thresholdCount="0"
> >> thresholdWindow="0" thresholdAction="terminate"/>
> >>                             <collectionProcessCompleteErrors timeout="0"
> >> additionalErrorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                         </asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> >>                     </analysisEngine>
> >>                 </delegates>
> >>                 <asyncPrimitiveErrorConfiguration>
> >>                     <processCasErrors thresholdCount="0"
> >> thresholdWindow="0" thresholdAction="terminate"/>
> >>                     <collectionProcessCompleteErrors timeout="0"
> >> additionalErrorAction="terminate"/>
> >>                 </asyncPrimitiveErrorConfiguration>
> >>             </analysisEngine>
> >>         </service>
> >>     </deployment>
> >> </analysisEngineDeploymentDescription>
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> Ryan
> >>
> >>
> >>

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