Does anyone know what the problem might be with using instances of
classes that contain static final variables?  Why should I limit it to
primitive data types?  The "UIMA Tutorials and User Guides" for version
2.4.0 lists common pitfalls on page 39 and one involves the use of
static variables.

"In general, you should not use static variables other than static final
constants of primitive data types (String, int, float, etc). Other types
of static variables may allow one annotator instance to set a value that
affects another annotator instance, which can lead to unexpected
effects. Also, static references to classes that aren't thread-safe are
likely to cause errors in multithreaded applications."

I'd like to use a HashSet<String> static variable field.  If I set it to
final, I would think it would be okay to use in multi-threaded
applications - even though the HashSet class itself is not thread safe.

Am I correct, or am I missing something?

Thanks for any feedback,

Glenn Gobbel

Glenn Gobbel, DVM, PhD 
Asst Res Professor, Vanderbilt University

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