On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Richard Eckart de Castilho

> Hi,
> Hi Richard,

> can you provide the full code for your sample pipeline? I think that would
> make it easier to help.

Sure, is located here: https://github.com/lfoppiano/uima-fit-sample-pipeline

> With the present information, I can only give some general advice.
> [...]

> I would recommend using the CAS/CasUtil only if you want to implement a
> generic component that can be configured to work with different types. If
> your component is fixed to a certain type system, then using the
> JCas/JCasUtil is much more convenient.

Thanks a lot for your input, in fact it shed some light around type

Luca Foppiano

Software Engineer

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