We’ve been using UIMA AS 2.4.0, with a listener that counts CASes as they are 
sent via the Listener.onBeforeMessageSend(UimaASProcessStatus status) method.

We then compare the count with the received count in 
collectionProcessComplete(EntityProcessStatus aStatus) to make sure the 
listener has received all of the CASes it sent before exiting. Otherwise, if 
the listener is slow, a collectionProcessComplete message can be received 
before the final entityProcessComplete() method is called for the last CASes.

This worked in 2.4.0, but in 2.4.2, I am finding the 
onBeforeMessageSend(status) method is called once for ever CAS (as it should 
be),but then one additional time on the last CAS. So, my count is off because I 
send 12 CAS, but the counter registers 13 when the onBeforeMessageSend(status) 
is called twice on the last document.

Any ideas why it would be called twice on the last document for a listener? It 
is a change in 2.4.2 that was not there in 2.4.0.


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