Hi! I'm trying to get the ConceptMapper annotator to work but so far I've been unable to get it up and running.
Part of the code in my service looks like the following: XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(".../ConceptMapperOffsetTokenizer.xml"); ResourceSpecifier specifier = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseResourceSpecifier(in); AnalysisEngine ae = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine(specifier); The code fails on the "produceAnalysisEngine(specifier)" part with the following error: An import could not be resolved. No file with name "org/apache/uima/conceptMapper/DictTerm.xml" was found in the class path or data path. I find this very strange as the uima-an-conceptMapper.jar contains the org.apache.uima.conceptMapper.DictTerm class and that jar is referenced in my project! I'm using v2.5.0 of UIMA. What am I doing wrong here? Many thanks in advance!!!!