UIMA-C++ uses several libraries including APR, ICU and xercesc. Does OpenCV
drag in any of these at different version levels?


On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Peter Retzlaff <pe.retzl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> we are working on a UIMA project with several C++-Analysis Engines
> (UIMA-AS 2.4 + UIMACPP 2.4). For a while now, we've been getting this
> error message, when one of these AEs exits:
> Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-close.c: 759: _dl_close: Assertion
> `map->l_init_called'
> In particular, this happens with AEs that use OpenCV. I have constructed
> a toy example that does nothing, except defining an Annotator, linking
> it against OpenCV and UIMA and executing it with runAECpp.
> The error message seems to be related to the fact, that some calls to
> dlclose happen in library destructors which are called _after_ all
> dynamically loaded libraries have been unloaded. (see
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=622977, for example)
> So this error might not be specific to UIMA, but what's baffling me is
> that it only occurs, when UIMA and OpenCV are both linked into the lib.
> Linking either one of them on it's own doesn't produce the error message.
> Has anyone ever seen this problem with C++-AEs before? I'm desperately
> looking for any pointers or hints, how this problem could be resolved.
> Thanks and best regards
> Peter
> P.S.: This is the test code I use:
> TestAnnotator.cpp:
> "#include "uima/api.hpp"
> using namespace uima;
> class TestAnnotator: public Annotator {
> };
> // This macro exports an entry point that is used to create the annotator.
> MAKE_AE( TestAnnotator);
> "
> Makefile:
> "
> UIMACPP_HOME=/opt/apache-uima-as/uimacpp
> UIMA_HOME=/opt/apache-uima-as
> TARGET_FILE=TestAnnotator
> OBJS=TestAnnotator.o
> USER_LINKFLAGS=/usr/local/lib/libopencv_core.so.2.4.3-1
> all:
>     # include file with generic compiler instructions
>     include $(UIMACPP_HOME)/lib/base.mak
> Executing it with:
> /opt/apache-uima-as/uimacpp/bin/runAECpp ./TestAnnotatorAE.xml -x
> testdata/cas.xml .

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