The facts are:

1. The job is not really running.  In reality there are *no* active
2. The information on the Job Details page is wrong. It reports
job-processes as running when in reality there are none.  For example, can
you find the PID for the supposedly running job-process on the machine
where is the DUCC Web Server claims it to be running?

My advise for the short term is: don't believe the Job Details page if the
Jobs page says the job is Completed.

Please open a Jira and I'll test and fix the faulty reporting by the Web
Server (if not already fixed in the upcoming DUCC release).


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 7:12 AM, reshu.agarwal <>

> On 07/09/2014 03:25 PM, Lou DeGenaro wrote:
>> Upon re-start (presuming you
>> used the default "warm" start) all previous running jobs are marked as
>> Completed.  If the the job itself is Completed yet the job-processes
>> continue to show an active state then this is erroneous information..
> Dear Lou,
> The Job status in "jobs" is completed, but in the "job processes" ,there
> are 3 processes in which one is showing status " Stopped", one is showing
> status " Stopped" but "Time Run" is increasing(2:15:59:40) and in one
> process status is "starting" and "Time init" is increasing(2:15:29:40).
> So,
> Job State   Time Init      Time Run
> Starting    2:15:29:40        00
> Stopped    00                 2:15:59:40
> So, Job is completed but still running. So, This is a bug which needs to
> resolve.
> --
> Thanks,
> Reshu Agarwal

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