
I was trying to scale my processing pipeline to be run in DUCC environment with uima as process_dd. If I was trying to scale using the below given configuration, the threads started were not as expected:


        <name>Uima v3 Deployment Descripter</name>
<description>Deploys Uima v3 Aggregate AE using the Advanced Fixed Flow

        <deployment protocol="jms" provider="activemq">
                <casPool numberOfCASes="5" />
<inputQueue endpoint="UIMA_Queue_test" brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61617?jms.useCompression=true" prefetch="0" />
<import location="../Uima_v3_test/desc/orkash/ae/aggregate/FlowController_Uima.xml" />
<analysisEngine async="true" key="FlowControllerAgg" internalReplyQueueScaleout="10" inputQueueScaleout="10">
                                <scaleout numberOfInstances="5"/>
<analysisEngine key="ChunkerDescriptor"> <scaleout numberOfInstances="5" />
                                        <analysisEngine key="NEDescriptor">
<scaleout numberOfInstances="5" />
<analysisEngine key="StemmerDescriptor"> <scaleout numberOfInstances="5" />
<analysisEngine key="ConsumerDescriptor"> <scaleout numberOfInstances="5" />


There should be 5 threads of FlowControllerAgg where each thread will have 5 more threads of each ChunkerDescriptor,NEDescriptor,StemmerDescriptor and ConsumerDescriptor.

But I didn't think it is actually happening in case of DUCC.

Thanks in advance.


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