Hello Marshall,

Thank you very much for your help and answer, sorry I didn't answer before.
Your assupmtions were correct, I downloaded the binary package and I try to
import the uimaj-examples into Eclipse, the problem was exactly the same as

I tried to run them from eclipse, if I run the jars from the command line
they work fine. I did ran the script to adjust the paths, and both the
JAVA_HOME and the UIMA_HOME are set as environment variables. I had already
tried add the uima-tools jar file as a external jar, yet with no results,
I'll try that again.

Anyway what finally worked for me was to download the UIMA source
distibution and build it. I tried building it with maven from command line;
I also imported it as a maven project to build it on Eclipse and they both
seemed to work. I'm now able to run the tools and examples from eclipse.

Again I thank you very much for your help and interest ;)

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry to hear of the startup troubles; I think they can be quickly
> solved.  Here
> are some suggestions.
> The bottom line - I think the directions were written assuming you have two
> Eclipse projects in your workspace, one for the uimaj-examples, and one
> for the
> uimaj-tools itself.  This would be the case if you downloaded the source
> distribution, unzipped (or untarred) it, and then used the Eclipse Import
> to
> "import existing Maven projects".
> But there's a work around.  Please read on...
> When you say you cannot run them, are you trying to run them via Eclipse
> (run
> menu), or the command line?
> It sounds like you may have downloaded the UIMA Java SDK "binary" package
> and
> unzipped or untarred it, is that correct?
> Or did you download the source code, import it into Eclipse, and "built"
> it?
> I'm guessing you may have done the "binary" package.  In that case there
> are a
> couple of steps to do, described in the binary distribution's README -
> scroll
> down to the part about setting the Environment Variables JAVA_HOME and
> UIMA_HOME, and running UIMA_HOME/bin/adjustExamplesPaths.bat (or .sh if on
> linux).
> I know you said you set UIMA_HOME as an "Eclipse" variable, but did you
> also set
> it as an environment variable?
> If you're running from Eclipse, go to the run configuration ( menu -> run
> -> run
> configurations) and pick a tool, say for instance, the UIMA Document
> Analyzer,
> and click it once to "open" it.  Then look at the "classpath" tab.  On my
> installation, it shows under "User Entries" two projects:  "uimaj-tools"
> and
> "uimaj-examples".  I suspect you only have an Eclipse Project for
> "uimaj-examples", and are missing the one for uimaj-tools.
> You can fix this by clicking on "User Entries", and then on the right on
> "Add
> External Jars", and there add the uimaj-tools jar from the lib directory
> in the
> unzipped UIMA Binary distribution.
> If I've made wrong guesses about the details of your situation, please
> respond
> back with the corrected details :-)
> Good Luck! -Marshall
> On 5/22/2015 9:36 AM, Lothar Diefenbaker wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> >
> >  I recently become involved in a project with Apache UIMA. As I was
> totally
> > unfamiliar with it as I was to eclipse, so I started reading the
> > documentation from the very beginning and I try to follow the tutorials.
> > But a problem came up when I tried to configure Eclipse to work with
> > I installed the UIMA plugins for eclipse from
> > http://www.apache.org/dist/uima/eclipse-update-site, I followed all the
> > steps in order to set it up, I added my UIMA_HOME to the Java Build Path
> in
> > Eclipse. I imported the uimaj-examples but I cannot run them, when I
> tried
> > to run any of the tools I get the Error: Could not find or load main
> class
> > org.apache.uima.tools.AnnotationViewerMain (for example this happens
> when I
> > tried to run the Annotation Viewer). I know this seems to be a path
> > problem, so I checked the build path of the project and it does includes
> > everything in my installation of UIMA, the lib is there with the jar of
> the
> > tools. My environment variables of %UIMA_HOME%, %JAVA_HOME% exist and
> they
> > hold as value the path of UIMA and JAVA respectively. I also included the
> > lib directory of uima to the %CLASSPATH%, and the bin and lib directories
> > of the uima to the %PATH%.
> >
> >  I tried to make the tutorial of “My first Annotator”, I created the
> > project RoomNumberAnnotator and followed the tutorial step by step. But
> at
> > the end when I tried to test it with the UIMA CAS Visual Debugger again I
> > only got Error: Could not find or load main class
> > org.apache.uima.tools.cvd.CVD since I cannot run the SDK tools from
> > eclipse. I ran from the CVD from the console and it worked, and I loaded
> > the analysis engine of RoomNumberAnnotator and it worked. Nevertheless I
> > still cannot make it work from eclipse.
> >
> >  I looked for information about this and I didn't find much, which makes
> me
> > think it's something too basic to solve to require help. Anyway I've been
> > stuck with these days checking what can be wrong with my configurations
> of
> > java, eclipse, and classpaths. Please If someone could help me with some
> > advise or hint to solve these it would be much appreciated.
> >
> >  I'm running Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 with EMF tools and Maven (m2e), JDK
> > 1.7.0_79, UIMA 2.7, all these over Ubuntu 14.
> >

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