On 16.07.2015, at 18:52, Petr Baudis <pa...@ucw.cz> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 01:37:27PM -0400, Marshall Schor wrote:
>>>  * UIMAfit is not part of core UIMA and UIMA-AS is not part of core
>>>    UIMA.  It seems to me that UIMA-AS is doing things a bit differently
>>>    than what the original UIMA idea of doing scaleout was.  The two
>>>    things don't play well together.  I'd love a way to easily take
>>>    my plain UIMA pipeline and scale it out, ideally without any code
>>>    changes, *and* avoid the terrible XML config files.
>> Any specifics of what to change here would be helpful.  UIMA-AS was designed 
>> to
>> enable scale-out without changing the core UIMA pipeline or it's XML
>> descriptor.  THe additional information for UIMA-AS scaleout was put into a
>> separate xml descriptor which "embeds" the original plain UIMA one.
>  I'm sure Richard would be able to explain this better, but I think one
> of the core issues is that UIMA-AS embeds the XML descriptor instead of
> the AnalysisEngineDescription.  So when I want to use it together with
> AnalysisEngineDescription built with UIMAfit instead, it's time to
> start making crazy workarounds like

Afaik, there is no API in UIMA-AS that allows inject an 
into an UIMA-AS descriptor. UIMA-AS forces one to use an import, so the AED
needs to be serialized and then imported again by UIMA-AS... or I just never
found the right method call or missed when it was added. In fact, I didn't
even find an API to programmatically create a UIMA-AS descriptor and at the
time saw myself forced to implement a "AsDeploymentDescription.java" myself.


>>>  * Connected with the above - I'd love .addToIndexes() to just
>>>    disappear.  Right now, the paradigm is that you build an annotation
>>>    in an annotator, and the moment it gets saved in a CAS, it becomes
>>>    basically read-only.  
>> You certainly can modify any of an Annotation's features subsequently.
>> I'm guessing you're referring to another idea - adding additional features 
>> that were
>> not initially defined in the UIMA type system.
>  Sorry for the confusion, but that's not quite what I had in mind.
> I literally believe that right now, in order to modify value of
> a feature, you need to first remove it from an index, change the
> value, then re-add it back.  Is that a misconception?

Well, yes and no. Yes, it was required for the case where the value that
you changed was on a feature that was part of some index. No, it should
no longer be required as measures have been implemented to handle this

See: "The curious case of the zombie annotation" aka UIMA-4049


>  I think that's a bug for the UIMA Tutorial, which mentions FSArray but
> not FSList.  :-)

Then I should tell you also about the uimaFIT FSCollectionFactory which
contains all kinds of helpers to manage FSArray and FSList ;)

Btw. there is also ArrayFS which is the CAS version of FSArray :P

>  (Another pain point here - I always ache when I need to work with
> FSArray or I guess FSList, since it does not carry the type information
> that is in the typesystem - I need to manually typecast all the time
> and hope I don't make a mistake.)

Did you know that uimaFIT JCasUtil.select() can also be applied to
FSList and FSArray to avoid casting?

for (Token t : JCasUtil.select(sentence.getTokens(), Token.class) {

CasUtil.select() can work also on ArrayFS


-- Richard

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