
Thanks. I had actually found these links 2 days ago. I sat with a friend
who is very good with Maven, and we tried to figure it all out. I think we
have gotten it to the point now where I can specify where to find the Ruta
script file, meaning I can put it in src with the rest of the project. One
problem though - I can't run the ruta script as a standalone, which makes
it hard to test and develop. It isn't a Ruta project. But if I create my
project as a Ruta project, then I get that default folder structure that I
don't want. I am not sure how to correctly create a project so that it uses
Maven, lets me put my script under the Src folder, and STILL lets me use
the Workbench tools. Perhaps that just isn't possible?

Bonnie MacKellar

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Peter Klügl <peter.klu...@averbis.com>

> Hi,
> first of all, sorry that I did not answer your last mail on Friday as I
> said.
> There are some example/test projects for UIMA Ruta based on maven:
> http://home.apache.org/~pkluegl/examples/date-example.zip
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/ruta/trunk/ruta-maven-plugin/src/it/conflictingShortName
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/ruta/trunk/ruta-maven-plugin/src/it/importByName
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/ruta/trunk/ruta-maven-plugin/src/it/multimodule
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/ruta/trunk/ruta-maven-plugin/src/it/wordlists
> In the last four projects, the version needs to be set since they are
> integration tests. To test the projects, siply download/ extract or
> checkout the projects and import them as mexisting maven projects in
> Eclipse.
> The documentation of the maven plugin for ruta can be found here:
> https://uima.apache.org/d/ruta-current/tools.ruta.book.html#ugr.tools.ruta.maven
> I will try to provide a more information (also for your last mail)
> tomorrow.
> Best,
> Peter
> Am 17.01.2016 um 20:34 schrieb Bonnie MacKellar:
>> Hi,
>> I had posted earlier asking about best practices for building a project
>> that uses uimaFit, Ruta, and the Metamap annotator. My current project,
>> while it works, is inordinately complex and I can't seem to figure out the
>> right way to structure it. I did get the advice to use Maven. I don't
>> normally use Maven, but I would if it gave some way to simplify this mess.
>> However, I can't find any mention of using Maven in the Uima tutorial, so
>> I
>> am at a loss as to how to start. Are there instructions on the web that I
>> am just not finding? An example project?
>> thanks,
>> Bonnie MacKellar

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