The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the UIMA DUCC,
version 2.1.0.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling, management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources. DUCC defines a formal job model
that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline. Around this job model DUCC
provides cluster management services to automate the scale-out of UIMA
pipelines over computing clusters.

The main changes in this release are:

- DUCC framework now runs on Java 7 or Java 8
- Ubuntu and RHEL 7 support
- cgroup enhancements
     - uses standard cgroups organization
     - supports cgroup swappiness setting, restricting any swapping if
- DUCC state and history storage moved from flat files to Cassandra DB,
reducing storage size 5x
- Ships with the latest UIMA-AS v2.8.1
- Ships with recent ActiveMQ v5.13.2
- DUCC's UIMA-AS services support failover and ssl connectors
- Many DUCC webpage improvements
- Clear user display of DUCC classes and relation to machines
- Robust handling of dynamic changes to DUCC class and nodepool definitions
- Full support of nodepools with different quantum
- DUCC broker access restricted to user ducc
- Eliminate need for user home directories located on a shared filesystem
- Built-in Job error handler programmable per job
- Migration utility for DUCC updates
- Change to vary-off behavior to facilitate cluster management
- Horizontal stacking of services instance allocations
- java-viaducc improvements including separation of stdout from stderr
- An alert banner is displayed on ducc-mon pages if daemons are down
- Promoted DUCC from sandbox to the regular Apache project in the SVN

For a full list of the changes, please refer to Jira report:

More information about DUCC can be found here:

-Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA community

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