Is behavior the same for single-threaded AnalysisEngine instantiation?

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 10:00 AM, nelson rivera <>

> I have a aggregate analysis engine that contains a casmultiplier
> annotator. I instantiate this aggregate with the interface
> UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine(specifier, 1, 0) for multithreaded
> processing. The casmultiplier generate more than one cas for each
> input CAS. The issue is that after first cas child, that i get with
>  JCasIterator casIterator = analysisEngine.processAndOutputNewCASes(jcas);
> while (casIterator.hasNext()) {
>            JCas outCas =;
>            ...
>         outCas.release();
> }
> after this first cas child, the MultiprocessingAnalysisEngine_impl
> assumes that the instance of
> AggregateAnalysisEngine that processes the request has ended, Y
> entonces esta instancia es libre para procesar otra solicitud de otro
> hilo, and it is not true, because missing child cas, producing
> concurrency errors.
> What is the condition of a instance of MultiprocessingAnalysisEngine
> that contains cas multiplier that generate many cas child for each
> input Cas, for determine that it finish and is free?

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