Hi Asher,

> On 04.01.2017, at 15:35, Asher Stern <aste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> Using UIMAFit, is it possible to create a single instance of an
> external-resource, and use it in several AEs, that are not connected to
> each other?

In order to share external resources between unrelated AEs, these AEs
would need to share the same ResourceManager instance. ResourceManagers
are usually created implicitly by UIMA or uimaFIT e.g. in

If you have a look at the code of AnalysisEngineFactory.createEngine(desc, 
conf...) [1]
(in uimaFIT 2.2.0 around line 202) you can see a few lines of code illustrating
how to create your own ResourceManager and how to make use of it when 
your analysis engine or pipeline from an analysis engine description.

So basically you use uimaFIT to create your analysis engine descriptors,
then you use UIMA to create your shared resource manager and to instantiate
your engines.


-- Richard


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