Thanks Marshall,

What I have is each annotator wrapped as a separate analysis engine
("pipeline"), and then I'm manually running each of those in turn because I
want to be able to control the order. In fact, what I'm really trying to
achieve is controlling the order that the annotators are run in, based
information I get back from them.

Surely the analysis engine/resource specifier must have some kind of
reference back to the original class, otherwise how does it know what code
to run? Perhaps there's not a method at the moment to get back to the
original annotator, but is it stored somewhere I could get to via
reflection (accepting all the risks and bad practices that entails!)


On 30 March 2017 at 15:07, Marshall Schor <> wrote:

> Hi James,
> The UIMA terminology discusses two kinds of entities:
>   a) Annotators - take a CAS in, operate on it, update it, etc.  These are
> the
> building blocks of pipelines.
>   b) UIMA Applications (e.g., "pipelines") made up of some collection of
> Annotators.
> In most UIMA applications, there might be 1 pipeline, each having a number
> of
> Annotators. Is this what you have?  Or are you running multiple (perhaps
> different) collections of annotators, each having its own pipeline?
> The produceAnalysisEngine call takes an object which is a
> ResourceSpecifier.
> That object is a description of the entire pipeline - what annotators are
> in it,
> configuration parameters, etc.  The output of that is an AnalysisEngine
> object
> that represents the whole pipeline.
> There's no reference from that AnalysisEngine object back to the
> ResourceSpecifier that was used to direct the construction of the pipeline.
> So, I don't think what you want to do can be done.
> ============
> That being said, perhaps the high level design can be adjusted.  I'm
> wondering
> if two things got a bit conflated in the design - the idea of analysis
> engine
> "components" (e.g. Annotators) and the idea of analysis engines themselves
> (the
> pipelines that contain the annotators, configuration data, etc.)?
> -Marshall
> On 3/29/2017 1:11 PM, James Baker wrote:
> > In my UIMA application, I have a number of AnalysisEngines (as you might
> > expect). These were created using UIMAFramework.
> produceAnalysisEngine(...)
> > on my annotators, which all extend MyAnnotator (which in turn extends
> > JCasAnnotator_ImplBase).
> >
> > I want to get from the AnalysisEngine back to the original class (cast to
> > MyAnnotator) so that I can access some of the additional functions I've
> > added to the class. However, I can't seem to work out how to do that.
> Could
> > someone give some pointers?
> >
> > For clarity, I've included below some code of what I'm trying to acheive
> > (I'm aware that the code below doesn't work as I've tried it!)
> >
> > ----------------------------
> >
> > AnalysisEngine ae = getAnalysisEngine(); //Get the analysis engine from
> > whereever it is, this bit's not important
> >
> > MyAnnotator ma = (MyAnnotator) ae; //Throws ClassCastException
> > ma.callMyFunction(); //This is what I'm really trying to get to
> >
> > ----------------------------
> >
> > Thanks,
> > James
> >

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