Thanks for the json url. An addition to the DuccJobMonitor would be great!


On 19.04.2017 20:22, Lou DeGenaro wrote:
There is no CLI query that gives the desired results.  One could write a
python script to visit
and parse the resulting json.

Should there be a Jira to provide a CLI query capability equivalent of the
Jobs page? Either a new query or the DuccJobMonitor could be enhanced.


On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Daniel Baumartz <> wrote:


I am trying to get the job info (start, duration and time until
completion, basically the data from the web server jobs page) with the DUCC
Java API. I was able to get some of the data (total, done...) using
DuccJobMonitor, but I can't figure out how to get the others. Is there a
way to access these?


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