I have (according the log files in $HOME/ducc/logs) started as registered 
service successfully via ducc_services. I can see the process running via the 
ps command, but it does not appear in the webserver under the services section. 
Is this because I am running ducc anonymously using active-ducc-unsecure.xml? I 
did not implement a pinger for this service, but I assume that since it is an 
AS service a default pinger will be provided for me. I'm guessing only services 
with pingers appear in the service page on the ducc webserver...?

I also noticed a reservation in DUCC, dating back to when I first installed 
DUCC with an ID of 0. It is of class JobDriver, from the system user, is in the 
state Assigned with 0 user processes and does not have the option for 
termination. Is this some reservation I created errorenously or is this 
standard on all ducc systems? I would like to cancel it if I don't need it, it 
taking up 2 GBS of memory.

Thanks for any help,


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