
I'm not an expert, but I'm guessing that there still is a permissions issue,
perhaps on a different file or directory than the one you checked.

Try having someone else take a look at your stack trace / error message, and
your file system permissions.  A second pair of eyes often is helpful (I speak
from personal experience).

Cheers. -Marshall

On 2/6/2019 5:44 AM, Mandy Neumann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm just starting to get familiar with UIMA Ruta and the workbench, and I'm
> having some strange issues.
> I got a project from a co-worker who already prepared some scripts for me to
> extend. The project has .html files in the input folder, and he already
> provided a Ruta script to convert HTML markup into annotations. The script is
> adapted from the Ruta manual:
>> ENGINE utils.HtmlAnnotator;
>> ENGINE utils.HtmlConverter;
>> ENGINE HtmlViewWriter;
>> TYPESYSTEM utils.HtmlTypeSystem;
>> TYPESYSTEM utils.SourceDocumentInformation;
>> Document{->CONFIGURE(HtmlAnnotator, "onlyContent"=true), EXEC(HtmlAnnotator,
>> {TAG})};
>> Document { -> CONFIGURE(HtmlConverter, "inputView" = "_InitialView",
>>     "outputView" = "plain", "expandOffsets"=false, "replaceLinebreaks"=true,
>> "skipWhitespacs"=true, "linebreakReplacement"=" ", "processAll"=true),
>>       EXEC(HtmlConverter)};
>> Document{ -> CONFIGURE(HtmlViewWriter, "inputView" = "plain",
>>     "outputView" = "_InitialView", "output" = "../converted"),
>>     EXEC(HtmlViewWriter)};
> On my machine and with my settings, when I run this script, my console get
> spammed with org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessExceptions
> caused by java.io.FileNotFoundException
>  with the message "../converted (Permission denied)". I checked the file
> permissions on this directory which were 775 - I even chmodded to 777 but
> still the same issue.
> In spite of all these exceptions, the output still gets generated, though. I
> would be fine with it if there weren't another issue - although the script
> should write the annotations into _InitialView, I need to change the view to
> "plain" in the editor to get plain text with HTML annotations. The
> _InitialView still shows the html markup.
> I think both issues are related. Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Mandy
> System Info: eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a), UIMA Ruta workbench 2.6.1, OS
> Kubuntu 18.04

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