If you don't need a specific object type and are using Velocity 1.5,
you can just use the new map syntax to create a map that you can add
properties to.

#set( $personnelRecord = { 'name' : "...",  'rank' : "...",
'serialNumber' : "..." } )

if you need to create a specific object, i'd recommend creating a tool
that instantiates new ones for you on demand and putting that tool in
the context.

#set( $personnelRecord = $myRecordMaker.createNewPersonnelRecord() )

On 12/13/06, Gary M. Catlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do I go about defining an object that possesses several properties,
so that the object may later be added to a list as follows:

#set ($roster = [])

#set ($personnelRecord.name = "...")
#set ($personnelRecord.rank = "...")
#set ($personnelRecord.serialNumber = "...")

#set ($n = $roster.add($personnelRecord))

Obviously, I would be adding multiple records to "$roster" for later


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