I'd recommend keeping all your jars in the application lib to begin
with.  That said, what jars are you using?  Also, have you tried
running one of the example app's that came with the velocity-tools-1.2
distribution? If you look in WEB-INF/lib directory of those WARs, you
should find the jars you need for VelocityTools.

On 2/1/07, Ruben Fragoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all

I am trying to run a template in an application on IBM WebSphere 6, and
everytime i get this message:

Error 404: SRVE0203E: Servlet [velocity]:
org.apache.velocity.tools.view.servlet.VelocityViewServlet was found, but is
missing another required class. SRVE0206E: This error typically implies that
the servlet was originally compiled with classes which cannot be located by
the server. SRVE0187E: Check your classpath to ensure that all classes
required by the servlet are present.SRVE0210I: This problem can be debugged
by recompiling the servlet using only the classes in the application's
runtime classpath

I have tryed to run my application with the Velocity1.4.jar and
velocity-tools.1.1.jar  and 1.2, several combinations of jars, in the Server
shared lib location, and/or just in my application lib, and i just can not
get around this error, can anyone help with this? Thank you in advance

Best Regards


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