What version of Velocity are you using?

Do you have the velocity.jar in your WEB-INF/lib directory (or is it in your
container classpath)?

If you use Classpath resource loader, then you can put the template in
WEB-INF/classes.  Note that the template path should not start with a slash.

Velocity always loads VM_global_library.vm when it starts up.  But it
doesn't load it every time.  I suspect this is a red herring.


On 7/12/07, Joe Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have same problem with WebApp loader, while template is copied in
every folder of webapp, it's still not found.
I think it might be bug (?) in Velocity, trying to load
VM_global_library.vm instead of my template and always returning "not

On 7/12/07, Malcolm Edgar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please look at the WebappLoader which is a part of the apache Velocity
> project is great for web applications.
> Otherwise you can try the Click Framework, which has all this stuff
> in.
> regards Malcolm Edgar
> http://click.sourceforge.net/
> On 7/12/07, Joe Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I've spent good 10 hours trying to load template in webapp.
> > First I tried
> > resource.loader= file
> > and putting template into any posible directory, WEB-INF, classes,
> > lib, web app root.
> > Also tried to use
> > resource.loader=class
> > Putting template in all possible places. Including create template.jar
> > and putting it in /lib.
> > It's always "Unable to find resource 'template.vm'"
> >
> > So I nothing helps using out-of-the-box methods.
> > I wrote class ResourceLoader extends
> > org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ResourceLoader
> >
> > and put resource.loader=custom
> >
> > I added Log message into getResourceStream(), the method to be called
> > when template is requested.
> > Java code:
> > VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
> > ve.init();
> > Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("template.vm");
> >
> > What do I get in log:
> > INFO   - getResourceStream() load VM_global_library.vm
> > ERROR  - Unable to find resource 'template.vm'
> >
> > It looks for VM_global_library.vm! Why???
> > In velocity.properties it's even commented out:
> > # velocimacro.library = VM_global_library.vm
> > And VM_global_library.vm is present in path just in case.
> > I don't get any messages that VM_global_library.vm not found, I gt
> > message that requested template not found but request to
> > ResourceLoader wasn't made for that template.
> >
> > How do find template resources in webapp?
> > Why even that I implemented my own resourceLoader, it looks for
> > VM_global_library.vm and returns that requested template not found?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
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Forio Business Simulations

Will Glass-Husain

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