On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Doug Carter <dcar...@mercycorps.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 07:58:59PM -0700, Nathan Bubna wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Doug Carter <dcar...@mercycorps.org> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 02:33:50PM -0700, Nathan Bubna wrote:
>> >> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Doug Carter <dcar...@mercycorps.org> 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > When I update/write/save a velocity source page, the page will not
>> >> > refresh in my browser, it remains unchanged. If I save out the source
>> >> > file a few times, it works.
>> >> webapp.resource.loader.cache = false
>> >
>> > Thanks for the quick response. I tried this and it didn't make any
>> > difference. I thought it might be related to ModJK, so I went directly
>> > to Tomcat, but had the same problem.
> I did as you suggested and it is reading the velosurf.properties file.
> Adding webapp.resource.loader.cache = false, seemed to help a little,
> but there are still times that it fails. Could this be related to the
> time settings on server versus the PC (where the browser runs)?

velosurf.properties?  was that a typo?  looks like it's using

anyway, it's difficult to guess what is happening, in part because
your description varies.  first, it takes a few "save out"s to get it
to refresh.  is that because of the time it takes to do the saves? or
the saves themselves?  then you first say setting
webapp.resource.loader.cache=false doesn't make a difference, then
next it "seems to help".  it would be good to have more precise
information.  if setting the w.r.l.c=false changes things, *how* does
it change things?  What are you seeing happen?

> Below is my catalina.out.
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] VelocityViewServlet: Using custom properties at 
> '/WEB-INF/velocity.properties'
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] 
> **************************************************************
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] Starting Jakarta Velocity v1.4
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] Resource Loader Instantiated: 
> org.apache.velocity.tools.view.servlet.WebappLoader
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity  [debug] WebappLoader : initialization starting.
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] WebappLoader : added template path - '/'
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity  [debug] WebappLoader : initialization complete.
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] ResourceCache : initialized. (class 
> org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCacheImpl)
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO:  Velocity   [info] Default ResourceManager initialization complete.
> Apr 21, 2009 5:34:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> INFO: Server startup in 4204 ms

this is only log output for startup.  can i see logs for what happens
when you request a template, change it, then request it again? (or
some similar set of actions that shows the problem)

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