Thanks for the info guys. To answer that one question
> Why would evaluate cause problems for #parse??  If the engine is
> configured the same, the #parse should work the same whether you enter
> via file or string.
The problem would be even if the #parse directives get picked up OK in my
in-memory, preprocessed string version of the file (since I set template
location path), Velocity would just go and consume those additional
template files on its own, not giving me a chance to preprocess them first.
 Maybe I could avoid this if there was way to extend /replacevelocity's
template file loader, I haven't looked at the code enough to know if this
is possible

That's an interesting suggestion re: the other templating Engine... I
considered trying to home-brew my own (just looking for those two
directives), but it seemed like a waste since there's already such powerful
and robust ones out there. Also, there'sa bit of subtley there since it can
be recursive ($resourceBundles can themselves include references to #parse,
which can include references to resource bundles, etc).  If there was a
really simple, customizable template engine one that would let me choose
exactly what was parsed, that would probably be best. My only issue using
another one similar in size to velocity is that there might be some "side
effects", eg statements which are ignored by velocity but which get
interpreted somehow through this other engine due to its own particular

As for the AST rewrite idea, if it was possible to "Burn down" nodes to
their corresponding text something like that would work, However, wouldnt'
that then possibly miss additional child elements in that AST tree? For
instance a clause in an if statement which had a resourceBundle reference?
 I'm not too familiar with ASTs (been years since I dealt with those at
school), maybe I can look at it a bit more today.


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Alex Fedotov <> wrote:

> Another option may be rewriting the AST tree after the template is parsed
> and replacing some nodes with text or something else.
> I tried that on the side as an experiment to inject some security checks
> and collect profiling info for macros and templates.
> Alex
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Nathan Bubna <> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Pete <> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm working with some velocity files where I want to partially evaluate
> > > them, such that the only things actually evaluated are #parse (includes
> > of
> > > other velocity templates in the same directory) and  $references to a
> > > resourceBundle variable passed in the context map.  In essence, all
> this
> > is
> > > doing is combining a number of velocity files into one master velocity
> > > file, and localizing any resource bundle references to a given locale.
> > All
> > > the main velocity directives in the velocity file(s) should be left
> > > unevaluated-   #set, #ifelse, #foreach etc. This way, the result could
> be
> > > redistributed and modified specific to a particular locale, with just
> one
> > > file instead of n based on the #parse structure.
> >
> > interesting challenge!  glad i don't have to do it though. :)
> >
> > > Up till now, I've been doing this in a somewhat roundabout way:
> > > 1. setting strict escape property to true
> > > 2. pre-processing the velocity templates by regexp replacing all
> > instances
> > > of #if / #else/ #elseif/ #end / #foreach / #define / #break / #stop
> >  #set /
> > > #evaluate with  \\#{$1}
> > > This adds a an escape character before each of these directives, and I
> > can
> > > then call mergeTemplate on the result.  It works OK, sometimes, but I
> > still
> > > run into some parsing issues now and again (eg not a robust solution).
> It
> > > also seems kind of heavy handed to have to preprocess these files
> using a
> > > regular expression and saving them before velocity gets a handle on
> them.
> > > It would even be a bit better if I could do this by reading them in and
> > > doing the rgexp in-memory rather than on the saved files, then using
> > > evaluate instead of mergeTemplate. But I assume that would cause
> problems
> > > for the #parse directives.
> >
> > Why would evaluate cause problems for #parse??  If the engine is
> > configured the same, the #parse should work the same whether you enter
> > via file or string.
> >
> > > I know velocity added a removeDirective() method in 1.6.2 which seems
> > like
> > > it should be perfect for me - I could simply rip out all the directives
> > but
> > > #parse.  However, I tried the and it seems that it only works for
> certain
> > > directives, eg  #foreach, #include, etc.  More basic directives like
> #if
> > > and #elseif are not in the list of runtimedirectives, or even
> represented
> > > as Directive objects, so removing them doesn't work.
> >
> > Yeah, they are deep in the parser.  Their structure doesn't work as a
> > normal directive.
> >
> > > Any suggestions on the best way to proceed with this? Would it be easy
> to
> > > change a few velocity files locally, recompile and get this behavior?
> Or
> > is
> > > it sufficiently complex removing all these more basic directives that
> I'm
> > > better off continuing to try some kind of  preprocessing/ escaping?
> >
> > You would have to redesign Velocity's parsing deeply.  A major
> > overhaul.  You're best off preprocessing.   Have you considered using
> > a different template engine to do the first part (the parse and
> > resourceBundle resolution)?  Might be overkill, but might be easier,
> > so long as the syntax has no overlap with VTL.
> >
> > > thanks,
> > > Pete
> >
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