Velocity uses a JavaCC generated parser.  So far as i know, JavaCC
doesn't support this kind of soft-fail parsing.

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Collin Peters
<> wrote:
> Just wondering if it is possible to skip bad merge fields and just have it
> try to continue?  The use case is that we want to present the processed
> text, even if it has errors, to the end user so that the error can be
> visually seen
> e.g
> Dear $!{user.firstName}, welcome to $!{club.n<span
> style="font-size:12">ame}</span>
> Would show up as
> Dear Johnny, welcome to $!{club.n<span style="font-size:12">ame}</span>
> --
> Collin Peters
> (206) 855-6656 (Direct Line)

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