
On 12/31/12 7:58 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Nathan,
> On 7/11/12 12:28 PM, Nathan Bubna wrote:
>> Just set:
>> directive.if.tostring.nullcheck = false
> We just went into production last night after testing in this
> configuration for months, and we're getting this bizarre error message
> that filled-up our logs files and the whole disk on the server.
> [...]
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:
> 'directive.if.tostring.nullcheck' doesn't map to a Boolean object

So this turned out to be a birazzely-merged properties file that
contained these lines:

# Turn off template re-loading
<<<<<<< .mine

# Disable the use or toString to determine 'truth' of references

# Set output encoding

# Disable convert-to-string for truth-checking in #if directive
>>>>>>> .r11696

So, for whatever reason, the above confused the heck out of either the
property-file parser or the code that tries to test the peroperty's value.

Sor, this was entirely our fault and had nothing to do with Velocity per
se though it would have been nice if an insane value had issued a single
ERROR or WARN and then silently used the default rather than spewing
gigabytes of stack traces ;)


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