Thanks for drilling into that, Chris! I was reading, but have no time to
help with such things right now. I imagine the beanutils folks made that
change as a security fix. Probably time for us to deprecate/kill the
setClass option, if it's unreliable. Any chance you're up for that?

On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 9:55 AM Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> All,
> This may be an uncommon configuration, but I just upgraded from
> velocity-tools-2.0 with commons-beanutils-1.9.3 to
> commons-beanutils-1.9.4 and all my stuff broke.
> I spent a few hours tracking it down and I happened to have my toolbox
> configured like this:
> <tools>
>   <toolbox scope="application">
>     <tool class="" />
>     [...]
>   </toolbox>
> </tools>
> I was getting a message on webapp start that looked like this:
> FactoryConfiguration from 4 sources  with 2 toolboxes:
>  Toolbox 'application' with 1 properties [scope -auto-> application; ]
> and 12 tools:
>   Tool 'null' => null
> and some other weird things like:
>   Tool 'dateFormat' => null with 1 properties [key -auto-> dateFormat; ]
> The problem is that I was using the "class" attribute in my XML config
> instead of "classname".
> velocity-tools uses commons-digester, which uses commons-beanutils to:
> 1. Create an instance of ToolConfiguration for each <tool>
> 2. Set the properties on ToolConfiguration for each <tool>
> Then velocity-tools tries to instantiate the class you specify, put it
> into the toolbox, etc. The problem is with step #2 above.
> ToolConfiguration has two relevant setters, here:
>    public void setClass(Class);
>    public void setClassname(String);
> Before commons-beanutils-1.9.4, setting the "class" attribute in the
> XML would:
> 1. Find the "class" property on ToolConfiguration
> 2. Use Class.forName() to get an instance of java.lang.Class
> representing whatever class you wanted to use
> 3. Call ToolConfiguration.setClass(Class) with that instance of
> java.lang.Class.
> With commons-beanutils-1.9.4, that process fails at one point or
> another because commons-beanutils is no longer willing to instantiate
> objects of type java.lang.Class (or no longer willing to assign
> properties of java.lang.Class, it doesn't really matter).
> But because ToolConfiguration is designed to accept class names and do
> it's own object instantiation, you can side-step the "problem"
> introduced by commons-beanutils-1.9.4 by simply using the other
> attribute: classname
> When you use "classname", commons-beanutils will:
> 1. Find the "classname" property on ToolConfiguration
> 2. Call ToolConfiguration.setClassname(String) with the String value
> obtained from the XML attribute
> ... and you are good to go.
> I hope nobody else gets bitten by this, but in case you do, there is a
> simple solution.
> - -chris
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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> =GNJs
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