> All,
**Update:  I sent this to the wrong list earlier.  I currently have a work 
around, however, not as elegant as I would like. The problem persists.

> I am getting the error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not resolve the 
> node to a handle
> The error is very odd as it runs the first node successfully but throws an 
> exception on the second node, regardless of which node is executed ( I moved 
> the xml nodes around in the XML file).  
> Basically the program is parsing 2 files.  I file is the xml client data (No 
> problems even though I traverse the tree up and down) and the other is an xml 
> config file with xpath expressions in it.  An example of the xml I am trying 
> to run is (this is the xml config file):
> <!-- Runs fine -->
> <FieldMapping identifier="1.SubmissionType" xpath="SubmissionTypeCode/text()" 
> converter="com.infoterra.grantium.service.integration.datamapper.converters.impl.LookupConverter">
>       <ConverterAdditionalMapping>
>               <LookUpInfo constant="SF424_SUBMISSION_TYPE/>
>       </ConverterAdditionalMapping>
> </FieldMapping>
> <!-- exception is thrown -->          
> <FieldMapping identifier="2.ApplicationType" 
> xpath="ApplicationTypeCode/text()" 
> converter="com.infoterra.grantium.service.integration.datamapper.converters.impl.LookupConverter">
>       <ConverterAdditionalMapping>
>               <LookUpInfo constant="SF424_APPLICANT_TYPE"/>
>       </ConverterAdditionalMapping>
> </FieldMapping>
> The java code that is calling the xpath is:
> //Note that this is recreated for every node.  Is this part of the 
> problem?????
> XPathFactory xpathfactory= XPathFactory.newInstance();
> XPath xpath  = xpathfactory.newXPath();
> //converterAdditionalMappingNode is the <ConverterAdditionalMapping> node
> String lookupConstant = (String)xpath.evaluate("LookUpInfo/@constant", 
> converterAdditionalMappingNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
> Note that I have XMLBean'ed the config file so that I can traverse it with 
> objects, however the <ConverterAdditionalMapping> node is supposed to be 
> client specific and therefore cannot be XMLBean'ed.
> Why is there a problem with this?
> The stack trace is:
> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not resolve the node to a handle
>       at 
> org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMManagerDefault.getDTMHandleFromNode(DTMManagerDefault.java:625)
>       at 
> org.apache.xpath.XPathContext.getDTMHandleFromNode(XPathContext.java:220)
>       at org.apache.xpath.XPath.execute(XPath.java:274)
>       at org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathImpl.eval(XPathImpl.java:210)
>       at org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathImpl.evaluate(XPathImpl.java:275)
>       at 
> com.infoterra.grantium.service.integration.datamapper.converters.impl.LookupConverter.convertSimpleData(LookupConverter.java:48)
>       ... 27 more
> I am trying to create a work around for now, but this will become a much 
> larger issue once the client configs become increasingly complicated.
> Thanks in advance for any and all advice,
> Rhys Parry
> Product Development
> Infoterra Inc. - Leadership in Enterprise Grants Management (EGM) Solutions
> Phone #: 613-230-7890 Ext: 239
> Fax #: 613-230-5243 

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