This is not a bug.
java.util.Calendar.MONTH is 0-based.
- Wing Yew


From: Lewis, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 2:41 PM
Subject: Problem with XMLCalendar

I seem to be having a problem with getting the month value from an XmlCalendar 
object. For example, if I have a XmlObject (sourceMember) that contains a 
"date" attribute:


Calendar metDate = sourceMember.getDate();


System.out.println((metDate.get(Calendar.YEAR) + ", " + 

metDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) + ", " +



Produces the following output:


1999, 8, 12


Regardless of the value of the attribute, the metDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)always 
returns a month value that is one month less than it should be. Is this a bug, 
or am I doing something wrong?


Any suggestions?


David Lewis 
Software Developer - National Forest Information System/

Concepteur de logiciels - Système national d'information forestière


Natural Resources Canada                     Ressources naturelles Canada       

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