Any suggestions about this posted since 13 nov.

hi everyone,
in my schema, i have an element that extends an other element from an
other namespace like this:
<xs:complexType name="House">
                        <xs:extension base="foo:HouseType">
                                <xs:attributeGroup ref="AnotherGroup"/>

  the house type in foo namespace is:
<xsd:complexType name="HouseType">
                        <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">

Everything works fine with but when i try to create a new
document and want to insert House element using:
  House house = parentOfHouse.addNewHouse();

XmlBeans throws this exception:
   org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaTypeLoaderException: Simple type does
not have a recognized variety
e87ebtype) - code 8
how can i fix this?
thx in advance.

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