This might a post more relevant to the Axis2 mailing list.
Best of luck,

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Adrián Cuartero
> Hi all
> I keep fighting with the custom Exceptions and i'm desperate..
> I send a custom exception inside an AxisFault but when the client catchs the
> exception fault.getCause allways is null.
> I've changed the Axis2.xml file setting the parameter  <parameter
> name="sendStacktraceDetailsWithFaults">true</parameter>.
> Has anyone an idea of what can be wrong?
> Where can i find a working example to know if the configuration is right or
> wrong?
> Thanks a lot.
>  ________________________________
> Enviado desde Correo Yahoo!
> Disfruta de una bandeja de entrada más inteligente..

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