XmlBeans creates types from the schemas that are children to the
wsdl:types element. The PortType, client, Stub classes are generated
for JAX-RPC and JAX-WS by other toolkits like apache Axis or XFire
that might/can make use of XMLBeans as a binding system.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Jim the Standing Bear
> This is probably a dumb question.  Does XmlBeans compile WSDL to Java
>  Interface?  According to the xmlBeans ant task documentation, it
>  should be able to compile schema and/or WSDL files; however, I am not
>  seeing the service's PortType java interface being generated by
>  xmlBeans.  Did I miss something?  Thanks.
>  - Jim
>  --
>  --------------------------------------
>  Standing Bear Has Spoken
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