Hi Shikhar,
Have you recompiled all of your schemas? Are there any conflicting
jars still on the classpath?

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:57 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> We are migrating our applications from Weblogic 8.1 / xbean (?)  to Weblogic
> 9.2 / apache xbean 2.2.9-r540734 .
> We compiled our schema successfully with new version after making changes
> recommended by bea  (replaced all com.bea.xml occurrences to
> org.apache.xmlbeans ) along with ant task def etc.
> XBEAN Compilation produces classes in following package structure:
> com.tuftshealth.container.providerListService.*   and
> com.tuftshealth.container.providerListService.impl.*
> Our XSD looks like below:
> ===============================
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> xmlns:this="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Container/ProviderListService";
> xmlns:messageheader="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/MessageHeader";
> xmlns:name="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Name";
> xmlns:status="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Status";
> xmlns:network="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Network";
> xmlns:date="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/DateRange";
> xmlns:contact="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Contact";
> xmlns:address="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Address";
> xmlns:reference="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Reference";
> xmlns:member="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Member";
> xmlns:benefit="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Benefit";
> xmlns:covlimit="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/CoverageLimitations";
> xmlns:groupriders="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/GroupRiders";
> xmlns:buslninfo="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/BusinessLineInfo";
> xmlns:phone="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/Phone";
> targetNamespace="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Container/ProviderListService";
> elementFormDefault="qualified">
>         <import namespace="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Base/MessageHeader";
> schemaLocation="../Base/MessageHeader.xsd"/>
>                  ..........
>         <element name="ProviderListRequest"
> type="this:PrivderListServiceRequestType"/>
>         <complexType name="PrivderListServiceRequestType">
>                 <sequence>
>                         <element name="MessageHeader"
> type="messageheader:MessageHeaderType"/>
>                         <element name="providerRequestInfo"
> type="this:ProviderListRequestParamsType"/>
> =================================
> This results in exceptions at run time when we call a Tibco using a generic
> broker class.
> The broker uses following method to return class to us:
> obj = XmlObjectBase.Factory.parse(XMLString);
> XMLString contains following payload:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <ns0:ProviderListResponse
> xmlns:ns0="http://www.tuftshealth.com/Container/ProviderListService";>
> Debug Info:
>  PACKAGE NAME:  **** com.tuftshealth.www.container.providerlistservice.impl
>  CLASS NAME: ******
> com.tuftshealth.www.container.providerlistservice.impl.ProviderListResponseDocumentImpl
> java.lang.ClassCastException:
> com.tuftshealth.www.container.providerlistservice.impl.ProviderListResponseDocumentImpl
> XmlObjectBase is returning the class with www in package name. This causes
> ClassCastException.
> We tried to use XmlObject and XmlOptions is various combinations to see if
> "www" in package name goes away but it stays the same.
> Can someone please help us here ? It seems that behavior of XmlObject or
> XmlObjectBase has changed between two versions. Our apps can't work without
> the broker to return correct class type.
> Thanks for your help,
> Shikhar
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