Thinking about this some more, and some more investigation, the problem
is happening when I set an element of one xml fragment to another.
So I have 2 fragments that look something like this:
<xml-fragment xmlns:bobns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
        <bobns:b />
<xml-fragment xmlns:bobns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
Now when I do the following:
I end up with this:
<xml-fragment xmlns:bobns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
        <b xmlns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
Now I'm doing similar things to the above throughout my code, which
results in a mishmash of namespaces, either with a prefix or default.
What I'm aiming for is the one declaration at the top, and the whole doc
qualified with the bobns prefix.
Has anyone else come across this? Is it the intended behaviour? Does
anyone know of a way to achieve what I'm after?!?


From: Paul Hepworth 
Sent: 10 June 2008 14:03
To: ''
Subject: Namespace Consolidation

Hi all,
I'm having trouble keeping my namespace declarations under control and
was wondering whether there was any way to consolidate them all into the
root element in my XML (setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(...) doesn't work)?
I have quite a complex schema, and certain templates stored in the DB
for the different types of complex types. These templates are retrieved
as a String (CLOB), and parsed using the MyObjectType.Factory.parse(...)
method. At this point, and quite rightly, the appropriate namespaces are
Throughout the app and via numerous method calls and user interaction, I
build up a large XML document. However, the result of which is that I
have a mess of XML (albeit perfectly valid). 
There are numerous re-declarations of namespaces, sometimes as a default
namespace, and sometimes with a specific prefix. Although the XML is
perfectly valid, it's far from standard, and all the namespace
declarations end up taking up about as much as the actual data itself.
So I end up with something along the lines of:
<bobns:a xmlns:bobns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
    <b xmlns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
    <bobns:d xmlns:bobns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
What I'm after is to consolidate all the namespaces into the root
element, and have all the rest of the xml to be qualified with their
appropriate namespaces. Something like this:
<bobns:a xmlns:bobns="http://namespace.of.bob";>
I've been experimenting with XMLOptions, and
setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(...) etc, but nothing is giving me the
result I need.
The closest I've come is to use setSaveImplicitNamespaces(...) which
strips all the namespace declarations, and leaves the XML with the
desired tidy namespace prefixes... only there are no namespace
declarations and so the XML is ultimately invalid. It gives me something
like this, which without the declaration of bobns is invalid:
Can anyone suggest the best approach for this?

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