I wish to generate xml output where xs:dateTime values will be generated in
the canonical form rather than the natural form

e.g. instead of 2009-10-13T01:11:17+05:30, I need 2009-10-12T19:41:17Z
(converted to UTC with Z indicating that it is UTC)

Is there a straightforward way to achieve this ?

The GDate class has a canonicalString() method that produces the form I
need, but the toString() produces the natural form.

Note: If input xml contains dateTime values in the canonical form, they are
processed properly.

As an experiment, I tried to inherit a subclass from GDate with the intent
of overriding toString() to invoke super.canonicalString() but the GDate
class is final and hence cannot be extended.
But even that would probably not have worked as the XmlDateTime would
probably not care about the canonical form. Refer below...
GDate gdt = new GDate(cal);
XmlDateTime dt = XmlDateTime.Factory.newInstance();

Any help would be appreciated.


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