Have you tried validating the payload? If there are errors that could
indicate what is causing the error.
Otherwise, I've only used XMLBeans with document/literal webservices
and I don't remember how rpc encoded array are handled.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 9:32 PM, Tim Watts <t...@cliftonfarm.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-11-26 at 12:40 +0100, moh.sushi wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> thank yor for your answer.
>> going into generated source code, apply
>> "https://recettage.ria.neopod.fm-ged.com/ws"; in first arg for qname
>> =>         private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName RETURN$0 =
>>             new
>> javax.xml.namespace.QName("https://recettage.ria.neopod.fm-ged.com/ws";,
>> "return");
>> Repack jar-file (of generated classes)
>> and start test
>> Unfortunately, test fails
>> => java.lang.ClassCastException:
>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlAnyTypeImpl cannot be cast to
>> com.fm_ged.neopod.ria.recettage.ws.Order
>>       at 
>> com.fm_ged.neopod.ria.recettage.ws.impl.GetImageURLResponseDocumentImpl$GetImageURLResponseImpl.getReturn(GetImageURLResponseDocumentImpl.java:102)
> Well, you shouldn't have to monkey with the generated code like that.
> If it wasn't generated correctly you need to look into why that's
> happening.  The ClassCastException may just be another side effect of
> incorrectly generated code.
> Another possibility is to make sure the client has
> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans available in its classpath.  This should be
> produced from the xmlbeans compiler.  I'm no expert but I think the
> XmlAnyType is what xmlbeans uses when it can't map an xml doc to a
> schema and thus a bean type.  Which suggests the client may not have
> these in its classpath (even if they're physically present on the
> client).  But if it's in the root of the client jar and you're running
> this from the jar then that should be sufficient.
> Also, maybe consider using the latest version of XmlBeans if possible.
> I've been using v2.5.0 so I may be talking apples to your oranges.
>> Regards,
>> Sascha
>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Tim Watts <t...@cliftonfarm.org> wrote:
>> > On Mon, 2012-11-26 at 08:37 +0100, moh.sushi wrote:
>> >> Hello together,
>> >>
>> >> i have a problem with using xmlbeans.
>> >> Following situation is given.
>> >>
>> >> - remote wsdl available (see http://pastebin.com/5qnFScMx)
>> >> - code generation using axis2 and databinding xmlbeans
>> >>
>> >> i can do a request and i get a response, too.
>> >>
>> >> The problem is while iterating through given response.
>> >> I just want to get part of the response with xmlbeans therefore i post
>> >> the question on this mailing list.
>> >>
>> >> this is toString-ouput of the response:
>> >>
>> >> (1)
>> >> <GetImageURLResponse xmlns="https://recettage.ria.neopod.fm-ged.com/ws";
>> >>       xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
>> >>       xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
>> >>       xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
>> >>       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
>> >>       <return>
>> >>               <CODE_ORDER>xyz</CODE_ORDER>
>> >>               <PICTURES>
>> >>                       <item>
>> >>                               <OCD>2011-10-20</OCD>
>> >>                               <PICTURE_ID>1</PICTURE_ID>
>> >>                               <URL>https://host.fr/images/1.jpg</URL>
>> >>                               <SCAN_DATE>2011-11-18</SCAN_DATE>
>> >>                       </item>
>> >>                       <item>
>> >>                               <OCD>2011-10-20</OCD>
>> >>                               <PICTURE_ID>2</PICTURE_ID>
>> >>                               <URL>https://host.fr/images/2.jpg</URL>
>> >>                               <SCAN_DATE>2011-10-31</SCAN_DATE>
>> >>                       </item>
>> >>                       <item>
>> >>                               <OCD>2011-10-20</OCD>
>> >>                               <PICTURE_ID>3</PICTURE_ID>
>> >>                               <URL>https://host.fr/images/3.jpg</URL>
>> >>                               <SCAN_DATE>2011-11-18</SCAN_DATE>
>> >>                       </item>
>> >>               </PICTURES>
>> >>       </return>
>> >> </GetImageURLResponse>
>> >>
>> >> the toString output of the return fragement
>> >> (2)
>> >> <xml-fragment xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
>> >> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
>> >> xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
>> >> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>> >> xmlns:ws="https://recettage.ria.neopod.fm-ged.com/ws";>
>> >>       <ws:return>
>> >>               <ws:CODE_ORDER>yxz</ws:CODE_ORDER>
>> >>               <ws:PICTURES>
>> >>                       <ws:item>
>> >>                               <ws:OCD>2011-10-20</ws:OCD>
>> >>                               <ws:PICTURE_ID>1</ws:PICTURE_ID>
>> >>                               
>> >> <ws:URL>https://host.fr/images/1.jpg</ws:URL>
>> >>                               <ws:SCAN_DATE>2011-11-18</ws:SCAN_DATE>
>> >>                       </ws:item>
>> >>                       <ws:item>
>> >>                               <ws:OCD>2011-10-20</ws:OCD>
>> >>                               <ws:PICTURE_ID>2</ws:PICTURE_ID>
>> >>                               
>> >> <ws:URL>https://host.fr/images/2.jpg</ws:URL>
>> >>                               <ws:SCAN_DATE>2011-10-31</ws:SCAN_DATE>
>> >>                       </ws:item>
>> >>                       <ws:item>
>> >>                               <ws:OCD>2011-10-20</ws:OCD>
>> >>                               <ws:PICTURE_ID>3</ws:PICTURE_ID>
>> >>                               
>> >> <ws:URL>https://host.fr/images/3.jpg</ws:URL>
>> >>                               <ws:SCAN_DATE>2011-11-18</ws:SCAN_DATE>
>> >>                       </ws:item>
>> >>               </ws:PICTURES>
>> >>       </ws:return>
>> >> </xml-fragment>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Following code snippet i use:
>> >> fully object "GetImageURLResponseDocument response" is given  (see 1)
>> >> GetImageURLResponse imageResponse = response.getGetImageURLResponse();  
>> >> (see 2)
>> >> Order order = imageResponse.getReturn();  <==  null returns
>> >>
>> >> method body of "getReturn" is :
>> >>         public com.fm_ged.neopod.ria.recettage.ws.Order getReturn()
>> >>         {
>> >>             synchronized (monitor())
>> >>             {
>> >>                 check_orphaned();
>> >>                 com.fm_ged.neopod.ria.recettage.ws.Order target = null;
>> >>                 target =
>> >> (com.fm_ged.neopod.ria.recettage.ws.Order)get_store().find_element_user(RETURN$0,
>> >> 0);   <= nothing is found therefore null
>> >>                 if (target == null)
>> >>                 {
>> >>                     return null;
>> >>                 }
>> >>                 return target;
>> >>             }
>> >>         }
>> >>
>> >> The variable "RETURN$0" is:
>> >>         private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName RETURN$0 = new
>> >> javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "return");
>> >>
>> >
>> > I think you need to use "https://recettage.ria.neopod.fm-ged.com/ws"; in
>> > the first QName arg above.
>> >
>> >> i use
>> >> Axis 1.6.0
>> >> xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar
>> >>
>> >> What is going wrong?
>> >> Is the server response maybe wrong?
>> >> Something wrong on my client side?
>> >>
>> >> Any help is appreciated!
>> >>
>> >> Thanks in advance!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Sascha
>> >>
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