Hi, I'm using xstream 1.4.3 and since searching both the documentation and bug 
tracker didn't yield anything useful I'll just leave this here.

I have come across a problem with the fromXML (InputStream) method, when used 
in conjunction with the ZipInputStream, reading a single compressed file 
(entry) from an archive causes the entire stream to close. This behaviour is 
unexpected since it is not documented and also makes processing multiple 
xml-files from a single zip-archive require extra work. Now, I have already 
managed by converting each file to a string before calling toXML (String) which 
will work as expected, however this should probably be considered a bug or at 
minimum be documented.

Also toXML (Reader) seems to be affected.

Expected behaviour should be that the provided stream is not explicitly closed 
by fromXML, regardless of end-of-stream state.

XStream XSTREAM = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-16"));
ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(new File("xmlfiles.zip"));
ZipEntry ze = null;
while((ze = in.getNextEntry()) != null)  {
// here each file in the zip-archive is normally processed by reading from "in".
XSTREAM.fromXML(in); // this will cause "in" to be close after processing the 
first file in the zip-archive.
in.closeEntry(); // will throw an exception since "in" is no longer open.
in.close(); // the zip-file is supposed to be closed here, after processing 
each file inside.


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