Hi Zebulah,

Zfadade wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using XStream 1.4.5 and Google App Engine 1.8.8 (and new to both, so
> my knowledge is limited).  I'm getting the exception below.  I saw a
> posting about this problem from a few years ago, but didn't quite
> understand the solution.    Is there a work-around for this?

Actually I thought, I solved the problem with the latest version 1.4.5. 
However, since I have no GAE experience myself and no-one really did a real 
test, I can see now - looking at your stack trace - that my approach did not 
work, GAE works differently than thought.

So all you can currently do is to overload XStream's setupConverter method 
and register the converters required by your application yourself. Simply 
take a copy of the method and strip any converter registration that makes 
problems. You have additionally no requirement to load converters 
dynamically, since you know you're running Java 7. So it will look like:

============= %< ============
 class XStreamGAE extends XStream {
   protected void setupConverters() {
     registerConverter(new ReflectionConverter(getMapper(),
       getReflectionProvider()), PRIORITY_VERY_LOW);
     registerConverter(new SerializableConverter(getMapper(),
       getReflectionProvider(), getClassLoaderReference()), PRIORITY_LOW);
     registerConverter(new ExternalizableConverter(getMapper(),
       getClassLoaderReference()), PRIORITY_LOW);

     registerConverter(new NullConverter(), PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH);
     registerConverter(new IntConverter(), PRIORITY_NORMAL);
     // ...
     // continue with the rest of required converters, omitting the
     // problematic like FontConverter and TextAttributeConverter

     // For the dynamic ones you write instead of:
     // ============
     // registerConverterDynamically(
     //   "com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.extended.ThrowableConverter",
     //   PRIORITY_NORMAL, new Class[]{ConverterLookup.class},
     //   new Object[]{converterLookup});
     // ============
     registerConverter(new ThrowableConverter(), PRIORITY_NORMAL,
============= %< ============

Sorry for inconvenience, I will try a different approach for next version.


> Thanks,
> Zebulah
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.awt.font.TextAttribute is a
> restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine developer's guide for
> more details. at
> com.google.appengine.runtime.Request.process-
> at java.awt.font.TextAttribute.<clinit>(TextAttribute.java) at
> java.lang.reflect.Field.get(Field.java:30) at
> com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.Fields.read(Fields.java:69) at
> at
> at
> at
> at
>  com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.setupConverters(XStream.java:797) at
>  com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.<init>(XStream.java:556) at
>  com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.<init>(XStream.java:485) at
>  com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.<init>(XStream.java:454) at
>  com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.<init>(XStream.java:400) at
>  com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.<init>(XStream.java:339) at

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